Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

By request, "Elvis" cupcakes (banana cake with peanut butter frosting) from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. Witness the extent of my cake decorating skills- piling high with frosting.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Before and After in the garden

Female blossom

Lemon squash

Little baby peppers

Emerald Giant Peppers

First little Dib Daub cucumber

All from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. Next year: plant everything earlier, like months earlier. I was sitting around this year, waiting for the last frost that never was. Now I'm fondling fetal cucumbers while everyone else is drowning in them. Oh to have enough food to share, or preserve, or even to make a decent meal with.


These bloomers are pretty cute and I believe flattering, despite my inability to take a flattering picture while wearing them. I decided not to purchase anything new for this project to justify my fabric hoarding, so they are 100% linen and cocoa colored, like I imagine Martha Washington wore. Colonial sexy! Extra retro!

Free Pattern here. And although my epitaph will be "Free patterns aren't worth the money they're worth", I gambled and won on this one.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Potato Harvest

About 2 lb of Red LaSoda potatoes, grown from about 2 lb of seed potatoes. Here's too breaking even, and trying again next year!